This Budget Travel Family Spring Activities Bucket List is fun whether you are home or on an affordable family vacation. These spring activities are sure to be a blast and light on your wallet. If you are looking for more to do check out these great budget summer activities for home or on a budget family vacation You can enjoy most of these activities while on a cheap family vacation or at home.
1. Run around in a Down Pour or go Puddle Jumping
This is one of those spur of the moment things when the weather is just right. there’s no thunder or lighting and the rain is coming down in buckets. throw on a pair of boots and a rain coat and enjoy an outdoor shower. Rainy days are also a great time to find worms.
2. Plant a Vegetable Garden or Flowers
A garden is a great family activity you can do with kids. Teach them about eating healthy. Allowing them to have input into what gets planted. If you don’t want the commitment of caring for a garden all summer long plant some flowers. Our local Library offers a seed library so anyone can plant a garden or flowers. You can also plan flowers in portable pots if you are on the go.
3. Take a Hike
Enjoy scenic waterfalls. Search for critters in a stream. Enjoy nature: watch bees and butterflies, look for rainbows, feel the sun on your face. Find a rock scramble where kids can enjoy climbing on rocks.
4. Head to a Park
Have a Picnic and Look for Spring Flowers. Climb Trees or Play on a playground. Feed ducks at a pond. Look for spring events such as an easter egg hunt. Enjoy art projects inspired by the outdoors such as rock painting or painting with leaves. Draw outside with chalk or create a chalk course.
Play outdoor Sport such as Pitch and Catch, Soccer, basketball, golf even gagga ball
5. Go for a Bike Ride
There are many Bike trails that are free and full of wonderful of great views and exploration. We loved our bike ride in Acadia National Parks and Simsbury Connecticut. Our Cape Cod bike ride has nice views of cranberry bogs and we even saw a beaver.
6. Visit a beach and Fly A Kite
Beaches can be fun in the Spring when the heat is more comfortable. Build sandcastles and fly kites. Use a medal detector to search for treasure. Explore wild life.
We have several local beaches including Grafton Lakes State Park but spring is also a great time to head to Cape Cod.
7. Head to a Farm for Baby Animals and Spring You Pick
Spring bring baby animal days to many local farms. This is probably our my favorite spring activity. We get to enjoy baby birds and often goats, calves, and more.
Head to a Farmer’s market and try a new fruit vegetable or homemade product. Spring starts you pick vegetables and fruit such as strawberries, Asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, lettuces, peas, radishes, rhubarb, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard, and zucchini.
8. Enjoy Maple Syrup
Earl Spring- usually the last 2 weekends of March is New York’s Maple Weekends and often maple celebrations throughout the north. Taste different maple syrups and products. Learn how syrup is harvested. It makes for a great Spring New York Weekend Getaway.
9. Head out on the Water
As air and water temperatures start to warm up we can finally head to the water again. We love our inflatable Kayaks because we cant take them on road trips and they easily fit in our trunk. Our Spring purchase will be an inflatable paddle board this year since the kids love them so much. We have wetsuits the kids can wear which helps them tolerate cooler water we still wait till late spring to go out on the water.
We enjoyed kayaking locally this some in the Capitol Region; our favorite being Henry Hudson Park. We also took our kayaks on several trips with us. We have kayaked in Acadia National Park, Simsbury, CT, and Key Largo in the Florida Keys.
If you are considering a purchase of a kayak or paddle board check these out:
If you are looking for wetsuits these are some affordable wetsuits for the whole family.
10. Go fishing
Spring is the best time to go fishing. We love heading to the Adirondacks for Camping and fishing. While my children don’t catch big fish and we always throw them back, they love the experience. We also fish locally at the Henry Hudson Park near Albany, NY. This guide to free fishing across the US can help you plan a fishing trip when a fishing license isn’t required.
11. Head on a Camping Trip (even at home)

Camping can be a lot of fun whether you head off to a new destination or enjoy Camping at Home. Kids love sleeping in a tent, roasting smores and telling camp fire stories.
Budget Travel Family Spring Activities Bucket List
This Budget Travel Family Spring Activities Bucket List Check List is fun whether you are home or away. These spring activities are sure to be a blast and light on your wallet.
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