How to Avoid long lines at Legoland New York Touring Plan can help you plan for a great day at Legoland NY. There’s a lot to do and see at LEGOLAND New York located in Upstate New York. If you want to see it all you will need to have a good plan or visit on a weekday.
This plan will help you make the most of a day at LEGOLAND NY. The Legoland New York Planning Guide provides you with information about all the rides and attractions at LEGOLAND New York and which land they are located. It also lists menus with prices, making it a great resource for planning a trip to LEGOLAND New York. If you are traveling the northeast, make Legoland a top on your road trip.
Go during the week to avoid Crowds
The easiest way to avoid the crowds is to visit during the week when crowds are around half the levels that rush to the parks over the weekends. Even during the summer crowds can be half the levels of the weekend. This will keep wait times around 5 minutes for most rides with a few hitting 10-20 minutes throughout the day. By visiting during the weekdays you can let your children choose what to do next and go at their pace.
The thing to Know When Planning your Day
There’s something to consider when deciding on your Legoland New York touring plan.
- Not all rides are running right at park opening. Both the Brick Factory and the Dragon seem to take a little longer to get up and running at the start of the day. They of course are 2 rides that can have longer wait times too.
- Packing a lunch can save you time and money.
- The Lego builds fill up so if it’s a priority you may want to sign up and adjust the touring plan based on your build time slot.
- Fire Academy is the slowest and most difficult ride. it’s a parent’s least favorite but the kids enjoy it. It works best if there is 1 adult per child as you need someone to pump the water while the kids spray it.
- Coast Guard Academy isn’t open yet but when it does it’s popular and lines get long. It’s fun so it should be the first ride you visit in LEGO City.
There are several rides in the park that tend to get very long lines
- The Brick Factory Ride
- Ninjago
- The Dragon
- Driving School
- Fire Academy
- Coast Guard Academy

It’s important to get an understanding of the layout of the park so you can move through it most efficiently. The Park is laid out in an Oval Shape Loop, After you enter the park you head through Brick Street and can either turn right toward Miniland or go straight through Bricktopia. If you go through Miniland it winds you around which can take some time but it will get you to the Pirate land the fastest and likely the quickest route to the fire academy.
If you go turn left after Brick Street you will head through Bricktopia then Ninjago Land, Castle Land then Lego City, Pirate land, and last miniland before returning back to Brick Street. Most people follow this route and stop at the carousel first.

The Best Legoland New York Touring Plan and Route
- Show up 30-45minutes before Park opening if possible.
- have your passes ready and make sure you are at a security line that allows bags if you have one. and a stroller if you have a stroller- the lines are marked
- Remember this is a general plan depending on crowd levels things may take more or less time. Sometimes you will want to stop so the kids can play or grab a snack. Flexibility is key to enjoying an amusement park but having a good plan can help you spend less time deciding what to do next.
10:00 am
- Once you are let in head immediately down Brick street through Bricktopia. Skip the Carousel which everyone stops at first.
- Stop at the Creative Workshop and see if you can sign up for an afternoon Build session for later in the afternoon around 3 pm. If not you have to decide if it’s a priority to sign up for the latest slot and come back for the build. This will bump your schedule up so if it’s not a priority I suggest trying to sign up later.
- Ride Ninjago Ride
- Ride Jays Gravity Force
- The Dragon in Castle land
11:00 am -1:30 pm
- Ride Tower Climb
- Merlin’s Flying Machines
- then down to Lego City to ride Driving School and the Fire Academy.
- Driving School
- Fire Academy
- Lunch: I recommend packing lunch for 2 reasons. Lunch in the Park is very expensive and also you can save time by packing your own. Eat lunch in line for fire academy allows you to save time especially since the lines get long.
- 1:00 Enjoy a 4D movie at the Theater Movies are on the hour sure to plan to stop rides in time to make it to the movie.
1:30 pm -2:30 pm
- Head over to LEGO Pirate land to enjoy all the rides and attractions in that area.
2:30 pm
- Head up to Miniland and enjoy the displays and interactive features
- Stop at the LEGO Creative Workshop to see if you can sign up for a building
- head to the Lego Factory Ride. The line for this ride tends to be long but it also can be entertaining for kids to check out the lego builds displayed in the line. This is why it’s lower on the list because it’s the best ride to wait in line for.
- Finish the rides in the Park including the Carousel and DJ spin.
- May want to Head back to Ninjago Land and let the kids play on the Ninja activities.
4 pm
- Take a break inside Build and Test. Kids love it in hear and you may need to drag them out or maybe get kicked out as the park closes.
- If time, stop at the LEGO Shop and check out their special lego sets. At the exit near the front, they can see what LEGO figure they are.
- On your way out Take time to snap photos of the LEGOLAND NEW YORK sign as well as the other builds outside the park.
- I recommend Grabbing Dinner in Goshen or on the Road.

Visit on a Weekday
The best way to avoid the lines at LegolandNew York is to visit during the week and avoid weekends. The crowd levels are25-50% of what the weekend crowds are. Combine that with a good plan and you can easily enjoy most if not all of the Legoland Attractions.
How to Avoid long lines at Legoland New York Touring Plan Summary
This Touring plan can help you avoid long lines for many of the attractions and make the most of your day at LEGOLAND New York. The most enjoyable time to visit is to go during the week. With half the crowd levels you can essentially go through the loop without backtracking or worrying too much about wait times. But if the parks are busy this will be the best plan to visit the most attractions during your visit.
Make sure to have a plan for Legoland NY and also everything you need to know before you go. Also for some fun, you can print this list of things to do at Legoland NY and see how many you can check off during your visit.
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