Check out these tips to help you prepare for travel whenever that may be. These tips can help keep you busy and excited until your trip finally arrives.
1. Get In Shape to Prepare for Travel
Whether Walking the Streets of Rome or Disney Parks. The average steps taken during travel often exceed what we do at home. Exercise is important for our health but it will also build up your family’s stamina so that you are not exhausted and/or sore while on your trip.
So Get Moving. In Winter it can be challenging to stay active. Check out these Winter Activities that can help you stay active until your next trip. Hiking is a great way to stay active as well.
2. Learn about the Destinations You Hope to Visit to Prepare for Travel
We started an Exploring From Home Series specifically for this purpose. Learn about the Destination you plan to travel to. Learn about History, and Culture including Food Music, and More. Enjoy activities with your kids that help them learn in fun ways. As a parent, it’s very helpful to learn in advance of a trip. I find my kids listen much better while we are exploring if I already have the information in my head and can provide the information to the kids at the best opportunity for them to absorb it and also tell stories. Our kids tend to be impatient while we read information from pamphlets or placards.
I absolutely love trying different foods while traveling. I also love to try cooking new recipes at home and it’s a fun activity to get the kids involved in. It’s nice to try various foods in preparing for a trip so I know what the kids will definitely not eat and things they will actually try. You can also join Duolingo a free language learning app, and learn a new language.
3. Start or Continue Travel Hacking.
Stock up on Credit Card Points to help fund your travels. Travel Hacking can help pay for your trip by utilizing credit card sign-on bonuses to earn points toward travel. In my Frist Year of Travel Hacking, I accrued enough points to cover over $13,000 worth of Travel including flights and hotels to Japan. Join The AffordableFamilyTravel.com Crew on Facebook to discuss points as well as affordable family travel destinations.
If travel hacking isn’t your thing or you don’t have the credit score to qualify for these types of credit cards, considering using your down town to save and/or pay down debt. Debt free and a good credit score have a ton of benefits. Tracking Hacking is one of them. If you are able to save up a little extra money it could mean an extra excursion or a nice meal out. A little splurge that you may not normally take on vacation.
4. Shop for the Best Travel Products You Need for Your Next Trip
It always seems a week or 2 before a trip I am ordering last minute things we need. Avoid the rush by ordering the best travel products for your next trip now. Check out the Best Travel Products to see if there’s any you should order now in preparation for your next trip. Plan now so you don’t have to worry if a package will be delivered before you leave for vacation.
5. Keep Your Eyes Peeled for Travel Deals
Follow AffordableFamilyTravel.com Facebook Page to get the latest Travel deals that I find. Even if you do not plan to travel for 6 months or a year some of the deals are only offered for a short time but the travel dates may be extensive. TravelZoo.com has been offering some awesome deals that come with free cancelation on select offers, so you can always buy and cancel if your travel plans change.
6. Plan Your Dream Trips
Use the time you’re not traveling to plan out your dream trip. Do as much research as you get to find hidden gems and tips to plan out the best trip ever. Research the best restaurants, the best time of year and determine how long you would want to stay in a place. This means if a deal pops up for one of your dream destinations your ready to book with your ideal itinerary in hand.
Watching for deals also helps you understand what standard prices are for the type of travel you want to do and what the lowest price is. This can help you know when it’s time to make the purchase.
AffordableFamilyTravel.com can help you plan your dream trip and provide tips to help you afford the trip. We provide Reviews and Tips and share deals on family travel destinations. Join our Crew and gain access to a community of experienced travelers with their own tips and reviews to share.
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