Maine Family Experience: Timber Tina’s Lumberjack Experience & The Great Maine Lumberjack Show in Trenton, ME (near Mt Desert Island) is a wonderful fun-filled affordable experience. It is an amazing value. Where can you get a private experience for your family for $100 or less? Learn to log roll, axe throw and saw just like Lumber Jacks. It’s the best-paid activity for families in Maine.
Our entire family had a blast learning to be a lumberjack. Tina’s passion comes out as she provides an array of information throughout the experience. It’s an absolute must if you’re in the area and I would say worth a trip specifically for this experience. We were unable to attend the Lumberjack show due to our very short visit and time restrictions but I would recommend attending the show first so you can watch how the professionals do it first. I can’t remember the last time I had an experience that I absolutely loved and it was inexpensive. This truly was one of the Best Values anywhere.
Timber Tina’s Lumberjack Show is a another family fun activity. The show is held on certain days so make sure you check the schedule when you are planning your visit to the area.
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Amazing Value of Timber Tina’s Lumberjack Experience
$75 for 4 of us we were there for over an hour with full attention on us and what we wanted to do. Our daughter could not get enough of the log rolling and Tina was supportive and happy to give her more rounds. My son wanted another chance at the axe throw after log rolling and he was able to. If you consider the cost of axe throwing alone for 4 people you realize how great of a value this is. Not to mention where else can you actually try out log rolling?
Timber Tina’s Lumberjack Experience
Log Sawing

We were all given a chance to test out a double person saw. It was tough. Then Tina and one of her staff showed us how it’s really done. Even with a non performance quality saw they flew through that log so quickly. it was incredibly impressive. This portion of the experience was rather quick but it was the right amount of time to learn and experience it.
Axe Throwing
We next moved on to Axe throwing. They had larger ones that My husband and I tried and a shorter one for the kids. Yes my kids ages 7 and 8.5 years old threw axes. They demonstrated for us how to do it and provided tips to help us improve. We could keep trying as much as we wanted. And as mentioned above Our son went back at the end to try a few more times.
Log Rolling
Log Rolling at Timber Tina’s Lumberjack Experience is a lot of fun for all ages. For our daughter (and me) this was the highlight of the lumberjack experience. Where can you try out log rolling? It’s actually so much fun. What made it even better is that Tina controller the log very well so that it wasn’t overly challenging. It made the experience so much fun. it’s a double log so 2 people can go on at the same time which also adds to the experience. Our daughter kept going again and again and tried it out with each of us. Our son went several times on his own and with our daughters.
My husband and I each tried it once on our own and then again with our daughter. It was intimidating at first but once you go once and realize it’s not so scary or challenging (with Tina’s help) its a blast. Again, we had plenty of time for us to enjoy the experience to our heart’s content. Our daughter loved it so much we considered purchasing one. The Key Log is the best option (really the only option) and is unfortunately out of our price range. So we will have to wait until our next visit to Bar Harbor Maine to enjoy the experience again.
Make sure to follow affordablefamilytravel.com for more posts about our Maine trip and other affordable family travel adventures.
Timber Tina Background
Tina Scheer, known as Timber Tina grew up log rolling. She was also a contestant from Survivor: Panama. I recommend watching some episodes before visiting. She also founded the World Champion LumberJills which is an all-female log rolling group.
You can watch Timber Tina show Gordon Ramsey how to be a Lumber Jack in National Geographic TV for Season 3 of ‘Uncharted’ Episode 3 “The Maine Ingredient” , which will airs on June 13, 2021.
Check out our recent trip to Cape Cod that was nearly FREE.
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This looks like such a great experience! Maine is definitely on our radar for the future. Saved this for later!
This looks like so much fun!