These 10 Cheap Travel Toys for Any Vacation will keep your kids entertained where ever you travel. These are our favorite Cheap Travel Toys for any vacation. Whether you are heading to a lake, an Airbnb, a resort, or the beach these are the perfect cheap family vacation toys. Anywhere you travel these toys are sure to keep kids entertained. They are perfect for your next affordable family vacation.
1. Foam Airplanes (~$6 each)

We were gifted these foam Airplanes while staying at Baker’s Cay Key Largo Resort. The kids loved them and insisted every day taking them to the field area to throw them around. There were several other kids who received the planes and they all loved them. As we continued on our trip the kids loved using the planes where on the beach or in a field area resorts often have there’s always a place to fly a plane. These planes while basic, have an adjustable slot that you can switch the wings too and it changes the flight pattern so the planes can do loop d loops. This is the best value you will find for a travel toy, so affordable. The wings come out of the main body of the plain so its easier to pack too.
2. Nerf Football ($12)

Throwing toys are fantastic for where ever you travel. They can be enjoyed in shallow ocean, pools, beaches, or fields. Because they float it’s easier to find when playing in water. they come in various sizes. The larger ones are preferred by my kids as its easier and the smaller is of course more portable.
3. Caterpillar Stacking Cup (~$5)

This stacking cup toy started out as a bath toy but soon because our favorite travel toy for toddlers and for many many years after. The cups stack into each other so it has a very small footprint- you can easily pack in a diaper or carry on bag. The cups have different features. The smallest has a water wheel others have different shaped slots. The cups can be stacked on each other or into each other. It’s a wonderful tub, pool or beach toy. The cups are very thick so they work well as shovels to scoop sand up.
4. Inflatable Beach Ball (Under $4)

A basic classic toy can be tons of fun. Whether on a beach, in a pool or in the water the ball is great for throwing or hitting back and forth. We often find volleyball nets at parks, beaches or resorts and having an inflatable ball that takes up almost no space at all has been very handy.
5. Fish net (~$10)

Fish nets are great for exploring in water. This particular one has a telescoping handle which makes it easier for travel. Our kids often use these at the beach- they are convinced they will catch fish with them and will spend hours trying. In the streams they can be used to try to catch little critters too. They work when you are really fishing too. We have used these smaller cheaper butterfly nets as well. They often only last one trip before they break but for around $9 you get 6 so they are very affordable.
6. A Bucket (~$10)

A bucket is always a fun toy to have on hand. My kids are always catching small sea life and wanting to take a closer look. They are also great for building castles or even snow forts. Buckets can be used for catching creepy crawly things out in the woods too. This collapsible bucket is perfect for travel. Don’t forget a shovel, this one comes with a bonus rain feature.
7. Kites (~$12)

Kites are a great toy at the beach or an open field park. They are inexpensive (you can even find them at the Dollar Tree). They fold down to take up very little space. This Kite ahs good reviews and is larger and more sturdy then what you will find at the dollar tree.
8. Card Games

A deck of cards is very small and portable. Uno is one of our kids favorite travel games. It’s fairly quick and easy game that is great for down time on the beach, rainy days or evenings. A regular deck of cards is perfect for go fish,
9. Travel Art Set

This travel art set is great because it works as a travel tray as well so kids can easily use it anywhere. Travel art set can be used for drawing, coloring, journaling. When my kids were younger their teacher had them do weekend in reviews. It was a picture with a few sentences below it. When we traveled that year we would have the kids do some days in review with photos and a few sentences. This is one of the best souvenirs we could have on a trip. Let the kids draw at the beach or in the woods or wherever they feel inspired.
10. Action Camera (under $50)

Not exactly a toy, This action camera is a great way to get kids excited about any adventure. If you are hiking through the woods they can snap shots of different plans and wildlife to research later. The water proof case allows them to snap shots while snorkeling or in a water park. The camera allows kids to participate in sightseeing experience they may otherwise be “bored” with. The Price comes at a fraction of a Go-Pro Camera.
Honorable Mention: Ipads and accessories
While iPad aren’t not a budget item it has become an essential travel item for us. We opted out of the Entertainment package on our vehicle which did not come factory installed anyway and use the same cost to buy 2 iPad for our kids to use not only in the car but on planes and during travel. Those iPad lasted 4-5 years before one stopped holding a charge on the battery. iXpand is a great way to lengthen the life of your iPad because you can load tons of movies so that there’s more memory space on the iPad. This has been a life saver on long flights or car rides. We use it as our eBook reader at night or audio books for when the kids go to bed on vacation. The kids play video games and take photos with them. They have even used them for remote learning when needed.
10 Cheap Travel Toys For Any Vacation Summary
Grab these 10 Cheap Travel Toys For Any Vacation before you head out on your next trip. You can also check out the Best Travel Products for more travel-related items that are great for a budget family vacation. Also, these summer activities and Winter activities (and products) are great for fun at home or on vacation.
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